A Return to Blogging?

Sooooo, it’s been about four months since my last post. That’s three months longer than I’d usually take to write a post. I think that’s due to the fact that I wanted the site to feature long in-depths reviews of some things I love, but I couldn’t dedicate the time to put the lengthy articles together. My fault.

As you can see, I’ve redone the design of the blog. Now, instead of each post having a lead image that takes you to the article, the entire story is given to you up front. Also, these posts probably won’t be as long as they used to be. I’d rather write stuff that’s short and timely than stuff that’s long-winded and old.

Hope you enjoy the new design. It’s adapted from Modern Clix. Aside from widening the content portion of the site, I converted the CSS grid layout to use the 960 Grid System. It’s pretty sweet :)