I *heart* string cheese

This is Frigo string cheese. It's a good brand.

I love string cheese. At work, we have string cheese stocked in the fridges, and work is all the better for it.

I love when you peel off a piece, and it’s thin, and I love when it gets stringy at the bottom.

While walking to my car today, I made a discovery about string cheese: it’s better when it’s NOT straight out of the fridge! Now, I know what you’re thinking, “No way. You are wrong. That’s impossible.”

To that I rebut, “Yes way. I am right. It is possible.”

Today I pulled my string cheese out of my pocket once I got to my car (about 7-8 minutes post-fridge), and it peeled off much better than usual. Believe me, I was as blown away as you are right now. Try it.

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